We’re trying out some new options for simultaneous sharing of blog posts, and landed on this WP plug-in called SNAP. I write my blog. Before I “publish” I select my own social media accounts to receive and share the news. Working out the tweaks, and the tricky part was the setup, but for that I have my assistant Jacob Robbins, techno-guru, to get me through the hard parts.

This little plug-in differs from the icons you see on your public page — it’s more efficient, and allows me to fuss with my post until it’s perfect — instead of finding booboos on the published page. It’s the blog equivalent of HootSuite, another big time saver for sharing to multiple media platforms. For now, SNAP is linked to Facebook, Twitter, Linked
Since we all know fresh content and busy blogs are good for SEO, having SNAP motivates me to keep it moving on the back end, and helps to engage me with social networks I tend to neglect but MUST get with NOW. And now I have a good new tool to offer clients — whose blogs I am often handling myself.